War Metal Wiki

A player's basic information

This view can be accessed via this icon TIconProfile, located near the player's name. When accessed, this view displays four tabs, each corresponds to an aspect of the player. From top tab downwards, these tabs display:

  • Basic information. This is the location where you can challenge said player in a practice battle, as Surge or standard you-go-first Battle.
  • Card collection, sorted by the Sets the individual cards belong to. This is the location where you can see which cards said player has at least one of and which cards are missing from said player's Collection.
  • Achievements (and their state of completion).
  • Level of Reputation Points with the various inherent factions within the game.
Tyrant HomeAchievementsDaily ChanceJargonLevelsProfileReputationResources
KatanaLord Halcyon
CraftingRulesScriptSkillsSpecial PromotionsStatus BarVersionsWalkthrough
Cards DecksActionAssaultCommanderStructureLegendary
Factions ImperialRaiderBloodthirstyXenoRighteous
Missions AshrockMissions/Areas/AshrockArctisCyprionBlackmarshSwamps of AndarMissions/Areas/ArctisThe Red SandsWastelandKor EncampmentSulfurisOdeus MinesBlightlandsTartarus CliffsRazogoth's GraveBreeding PitsTartarus CoreTriton IsleMount PristineProtectors' CradleValhallaVistik IslandArctis PrimeArtemisPhobos StationShattered CoastLockeheart
See also: Mission DecksMission GrindingMission Strategies
PvP ArenaPlayer FactionsTournaments
Raids Arctis VanguardXeno WalkerSiege on KorImperial PurgerEnclave FlagshipOluthTartarus SwarmBehemothMiasmaBlightbloomGore TyphonJotun, Sacred GuardianPantheon PerfectSentinel RebornLithidLernaean Hydra
Store EliteCard PacksRewards